Showing Category: 3M
Ways to Go “Back to School” in the Office
Oh Hiya, Meg here! Fall will always hold a special back to school excitement for me; no matter how long it’s been since I walked through those...
Scotchgard for Your Furniture
When you invest in furniture, you want to keep it looking nice and clean for… well, forever! Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try to protect it,...
A Sunny Escape
Who Needs to Get Away? Sometimes it can feel like your daily life is sucking the energy right out of you. Especially in the freezing months of...
A Breath of Fresh Air
Two times of year really bring up the need for cleaner air, especially in the work place where you need to function at your best capacity. Because...
Simplify Your Desk
It can be a sobering experience to realize that you don’t have control over your desk. But don’t let it intimidate you. Sure it seems like a...
Privacy Filter Study
This independent research is commissioned by 3M, makers of the 3M privacy filter. Ponemon Institute conducted an experimental study on how the use of a privacy filter...
Fostering Team Work
Team work A lot can be said about the effectiveness and benefits of working in teams. The power of synergy and the potential for creativity are forefront....
Get a FREE dispenser today!
Buy two of the following Pop-up Post-it Note Value Packs and get a FREE pebble Pop-up dispenser (a $15.00 value!) Just add coupon code POPUP2 when checking out online....