When you invest in furniture, you want to keep it looking nice and clean for… well, forever! Unfortunately, no matter how hard you try to protect it, there’s eventually going to be an accident and stains are going to pop up. If you’re looking for a way to protect your furniture so that even biggest spill doesn’t have to be an emergency, we have a solution for you.
Introducing Scothgard for your furniture!
Well, it’s not exactly an introduction, because Scotchgard has been around for over 60 years, but we ARE excited to announce we’ll be offering the service for all of our customer’s furniture.
What is Scotchgard?
It’s a durable water and stain repellant manufactured by 3M. Scotchgard sprays on fabrics and materials to repel liquids and block stains, pushing them away from fabric fibers so stains release easily. Scothgard is a mist, so it won’t change the look, feel, or breathability of fabrics. It’s safe to use on delicate fabrics (think silk and wool) and is odorless when dry.
Where does Porter’s come in?
Our customers want stain protection on their valuable furniture, but might not have the time to apply it themselves. So instead, we’ll do it for you. We’re now offering Scotchgard as an additional service for those who buy Porter’s furniture and get it installed. If your furniture is already installed and you don’t want to miss the boat; we’ll come to you. The end result: Your furniture will not only look and feel great, but be ready to block liquids and shed stains, wherever they might materialize.
For more information about this exciting new service, give us a call and ask about Scotchgard for your furniture.