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Simplify Your Desk

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It can be a sobering experience to realize that you don’t have control over your desk. But don’t let it intimidate you. Sure it seems like a daunting task but the pot of gold at the end of this rainbow is well worth the trip. We’ve all had those moments at work where we know something is on the desk but can’t seem to find it for what feels like an eternity (especially when someone else is standing right there waiting for it). You may even at times look at your work space and wonder, how did this happen? And while it’s obvious that half the battle is forming good habits and having a functional organizational system there is also a couple easy steps we can all take to simplify the desk mess.


Trays & Racks

So lets take a brief over view of how we can make our own lives easier. Start with either trays or upright folder racks. Again these really work with a system but we’ll leave that decision up to you, just try to have one. Adding these to your work space will greatly reduce the pile up of paper. Obviously don’t just start tossing important documents but don’t be a hoarder either. Even trays and racks can’t handle you keeping every little memo that is of no actual use to you.


Pen Bucket

Some people are in greater need of this then others but our writing utensils can pile up, be lost in the shuffle and get us to pull out a new one. But if we could remember to put those pens, pencils, highlighters, what have you into a pen bucket or even a clean bean can it will keep all those tools we need right were we can find them. Now for a little secret, shhh don’t tell anyone. There are products out there we can get that will take multiple everyday needed items and put them all together compactly and conveniently. For example this 3M Vertical Desktop Organizer pictured to the right.


Posting Board

Nothing seems easier to lose than a small note or memo. You place it on your desk telling yourself it will be so easy to find later but inside we all know it’s never that simple. And the smaller they get the more dangerous they become! But never fear we have a solution for that as well. Adding a small posting board of some kind to your work space will relieve you of this issue. A magnetic whiteboard, push pins and corkboard, or my personal favorite a self sticking board made by Post-it that is good for use after use after use and requires no more than for you to push the paper to the surface. Any of these items will make your life much simpler and free up valuable desk space.

Categories: 3M, Cleaning, How To
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