Team work
A lot can be said about the effectiveness and benefits of working in teams. The power of synergy and the potential for creativity are forefront. There are three specific benefits to those two items that this post will highlight along with some tips to maximize those benefits.
1. Leveraging Strengths of Individuals and Minimizing Weaknesses
The old adage, “you’re only as strong as your weakest member” is only true if you let it be true. Bring together a group of people, all strong in different areas and have them focus where they are strongest in the group. Even though each member on their own could be mediocre over all you will have an all-star team.
2. Keep the Focus on the Groups Objective
If every member of the team has the group’s objective as the number one priority higher results will be achieved. One member should not be able to consider the project a victory if they accomplish their task but the project ultimately fails to succeed. The only success should be found in the group’s objective. If this is their attitude then every member will be doing all hey can to make sure each member is succeeding. In a team people should build off each other’s efforts, that’s what synergy is.
3. The Environment must be Positive and Open
A lot of silly concepts proceed the really genius. If people are mocking and nay saying ideas then the really brilliant ideas will ever surface because the team will be unwilling to take risks. There is such a thing as a bad idea but not until the right idea has been found. Let the creative juices flow naturally and undisturbed. Have ways to illustrate the ideas. Large post-it notes and a bare wall are perfect for this. When done correctly ideas are preserved and individuals can express their thoughts more clearly with scribbles, arrows, text and yes even pictures! Smaller sticky notes can be attached to the large thoughts as comments and suggestions come in on the original idea.