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Introducing a New Way of Ordering

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Porter's Office Products

Online ordering with Porter’s just got a little easier. We’re excited to announce that we’ve made a few upgrades to our ordering system and we think you’re really going to like them!

Before you get too excited, we haven’t made any big changes to the front end of our website. These upgrades apply to our ordering platform only. When you login to the ordering platform, take notice of the updated look and feel. We wanted to make the design more cohesive with our front end and we’re pretty happy with the results.

Here is a list of the upgraded features:

  • No more hidden shopping cart.
    We’ve moved the shopping cart to the upper right corner so you can see it all times. Previously we had the shopping cart on the left side, but it would disappear when you went to search for a product. It was a little annoying. With the new upgrade, you won’t lose track of your shopping cart
  • Easier coupon options.
    We’ve made it easier to apply applicable coupons to your purchase. Instead of searching for the “click here” button to add your coupon codes, there is a field on the check out screen for you to use. It’s a minor change, but we’ve heard positive comments about it!
  • No more searching for promotions and rebates.
    We want to make sure you get the most “bang for your buck,” so if there’s a free gift or discount with your purchase, it should be up front and center! When you search for an item and there is a promotion available, the information will appear right next to the title and SKU of the item.
  • “Consider this Similar Product”
    Don’t settle on a product just because you don’t want to spend time searching. With the “Consider this Similar Product” box, you’ll get a glimpse of all the products we have available that are similar to the products you are searching. This will save you time and help you focus on what you really want.

Our updated ordering system goes live December 22. There is no new setup required on the customer end, which means you get to keep your favorite lists and use your existing account. We’re flipping the switch right before Christmas so think of it has a fun holiday gift from us to you.

Categories: Featured Blog