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5 Item Meg Always Has On Her Desk

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Oh Hiya!

If you’re anything like me, you’ve found that stocking your desk is more difficult than it seems! There are so many gadgets that can make the work day easier, but you only have so much desk space! A cluttered desk is distracting, but you also don’t want to be running to the office supply closet every day.

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I’ve broken it down to 5 of my favorite items I always have on my desk!

Pens: Even if your job is mostly electronic, you always need to have pens handy! The BIC Comfort Grip Medium Point Round Stic Pens keep to the basics and allow you to jot down notes and scribbles whenever you need. I always try to keep at least 5 pens handy at my desk, in case I misplace one or in case a coworker accidentally walks away with one.

Post Its: Having a quick place to jot down notes or messages is vital at any desk.  The Post-it Pop-up Cape Town Value Pack offers different sizes and colors to keep your notes organized and easy to read. Post its are perfect writing quick notes without wasting an entire piece of paper of notepad. They can also easily stick to relevant documents, your planner, or the backs of your coworkers.

Paperclips: Nothing is more important in an office than being organized. Paperclips keep all your relevant documents together without the need to staple and rip anything! The Business Source Paper Clip pack loads you and your entire staff up with paperclips for all your vital documents.

Binders: Organize even further with binders like the Avery Blue Circle Cover Designer View Binder. Binders help organization because they can hold all your relevant documents and be easily labeled and stored. I always keep one or two empty binders in my desk in case there is a new project that falls in my lap.

Batteries: We always need power! Batteries are always the hardest supply to find in the closet, so I make sure to always keep them handy in my desk. Practically everything requires batteries now a days and work simply cannot function if our technology is dead. The Energizer AA Size Alkaline General Purpose Battery pack will load you up so you will always have power in a pinch!

So stock up your desk with these 5 office essentials and be extra productive!

Until next time,


Categories: Office Products, Organization, Pens, Porter's Office Products, Productivity
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