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Think Pink- Brainstorming Ideas

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Breast cancer is the second most common cancer in women in the United States after skin cancer, according to the Mayo Clinic, and yet so many are unaware of the risks or tools for prevention. October has been designated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and there are many ways in which your community or business can participate in building awareness for breast cancer. The simplest idea for increasing knowledge and raising awareness is to play an ongoing role in helping ensure that all young women in your community are educated about breast and ovarian cancer prevention and early detection.

Most businesses and communities see October come and go without paying any homage to this critical and ongiong health crisis for women. Here are a few ideas of things you can do in your own backyard so to speak:

  • Host outreach groups that provide support and a sense of community to young women who are at high risk for breast and ovarian cancer.
  • Hold a rummage sale and give the proceeds to a local breast cancer charity.
  • Organize breast health education workshops to arm young women with the knowledge and resources they need to prevent breast and ovarian cancer or detect these diseases at early, non life-threatening stages.
  • Represent breast cancer awareness at community health fairs and other outreach initiatives; contact various local and national charities for more information on how to volunteer and represent their organizations.
  • Collect stories of survivors and have them share their personal experiences for others in newsletters, on company websites, or in marketing initiatives.
  • Distribute educational literature to medical professionals and patients to ignite conversations between doctors and patients about breast and ovarian cancer risk and strategies for prevention and early detection.
  • Provide a venue for fundraising events, which raise awareness and provide funds for the outreach programs and breast cancer charities nationwide.
  • Be creative and have fun by hosting a concert, talent competition, or contest that has an entrance fee and provide refreshments, raffles, or other items for sale at the event.

Last but not least, you can do the simplest thing of all, which is to “Think Pink” by wearing pink and exhibiting pink throughout the month of October in your office, at your home, in you community. People will soon take notice.

Categories: Breast Cancer Awareness, How To, Logan Utah Office Products, Office Products, Office Products Idaho Falls, Office Products Solutions, Pocatello Office Products, Rexburg Office Products, serving others, Utah, Wyoming